The Thorium Network – Newsletter #1 for 2020

We are now into 2020 and the second half of last year has been a busy one for us at The Thorium Network (TTN).

As we head into a new decade, we feel that the world has not progressed much in terms of effectively combating, or at least planning to combat climate change. The latest World Economic Forum report, The Net Zero Challenge (Part 1), highlights that only seven governments worldwide currently have ambitions on climate action that could realistically support efforts to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. My own country, Australia, alas falls woefully behind.

This shows that we need to really step up our efforts in driving tangible actions for a better future. TTN was started with the main purpose of developing an economy for new clean energy from Thorium as we acutely understand that the current state of energy production is unsustainable, beyond as little as 20 years. We believe that this can be alleviated through the mainstream adoption of Thorium as a new baseload power and building of a reliable and cost-efficient supply chain platform.

Our team has expanded considerably, with well-experienced individuals across various fields, and second-tier connections extending even further, giving us much more than the basic building blocks to rapidly make this a reality. The one common thread bringing us all together is our passion for making a major global difference.

I hope everyone had a a Happy New Year. We look forward to 2020 ahead and delivering Thorium to the world.
Founder & CEO 
What You Should Know

Thorium energy output According to the US Energy Information Administration International Energy Outlook 2019 (IEO 2019), world energy consumption will rise nearly 50% between 2018 and 2050. Given that there is more than 1,000 years worth of Thorium supply on our planet, it is hard to ignore the viability of Thorium as a primary energy source. Read more

Thorium availability in nature In nature, Thorium is about three times more abundant than uranium. We also know many countries that have existing stocks of Thorium not being used for any purpose. Thorium sources are closer to home than most people realise. Read more

TTN Updates

After a stringent recruitment exercise, TTN is now ready to go full steam into the new year with a global team of deeply experienced individuals in various fields, driving its purpose. Meet the team here.

The TTN website has a new look! In the new year, we aim to deliver news and updates about thorium and our project through this informative website. Check out the new look website here

TTN is currently closing the private contributions stage. An IEO will be launched next year, where the TTN token will be backed by the Thorium delivered on the secured TTN blockchain-based platform. Those who are interested in getting involved early should contact us at

It is advantageous to support the project early as you may miss out when we enter the IEO phase.

One Last Thing…If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research. – Albert Einstein

Wishing everyone a successful new year ahead!
The team at TTN

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The Thorium Network – Newsletter #2 for 2020

The first month of 2020 is almost over, and we have kept the momentum in achieving our goals for The Thorium Network (TTN) as the urgency to act is now more than ever.

The annual World Economic Forum Davos meeting came around again last week and a no-holds barred Special Address by Angela Merkel covered a range of topics including the reiteration that we are under pressure and need to act to combat climate change. 

Importantly, she spoke about the shake-up in Germany’s energy mix, where they have taken the decision to first exit from old tech energy due to the long-term unsustainable waste management. With a focus on having electricity generation supply changed to being CO2 free, Germany is looking have 65% renewable energy by 2030. 

This has been the only option so far and in Merkel’s words, Germany is a country where “the sun is not always shining and the wind is not always blowing”, which brings along another set of challenges. We are more certain than ever that Thorium adoption needs to happen now, to be part of the clean energy mix. 

The January World Economic Forum insight report, The Net Zero Challenge: Fast-Forward to Decisive Climate Action, starts off by stating how demand for energy is expected to continue to grow by more than 25% between now and 2040. Much of that energy is consumed by emerging economies that are investing in carbon-heavy projects to boost economic growth.

We know that only seven governments worldwide are taking the lead with tangible action plans to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. It is a small number, but it is growing: before COP25, it was only 67 of the UN’s 193 member states who had a net-zero ambition in place. The number has now increased to 121.

With TTN developing a sustainable new clean energy economy from Thorium, we are confident that these goals will be achieved as planned.2020 has only just begun, and we are another step closer to deliver Thorium to the world. 
Founder & CEO 
What You Should Know

Japan and Poland partner up in Energy, Communication and Infrastructure The two countries agreed last week to extend collaboration in an effort to further produce low-carbon energy. The summit’s purpose was to solidify their strategic partnership. Read more    

Photo via AFP / Associated Press / East News

Scotland will reach 100% renewable energy goal in 2020, but will it be enough for Greta Thunberg? Fossil fuels are one of the biggest contributors to climate change, and eliminating a country’s dependence on fossil fuels can be a step in the right direction. But is it really enough? Read more

Photo via Sandra Blaser/World Economic Forum/Flickr

TTN Updates

The TTN team was in Davos last week and is actively engaging with the WEF Blockchain and Distributed Ledger team, as part of our commitment to build a Thorium supply chain that is transparent, secure and efficient.

One Last Thing…When natural inclination develops into a passionate desire, one advances towards his goal in seven-league boots.– Nikola Tesla

Remember to reach out to us if you want to get involved in changing the world!The team at TTN

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Thorium – the future was yesterday…

So who missed it?  The greatest energy system quietly shuffled under the concrete carpet almost 50 years ago.

1 gram gives 24 MWh of energy, almost the same as 2 tonnes of crude oil.

Here I give an interview in the Middle East, the heart of oil on this amazing material called Thorium.

Is the technology new? Not at all!

Here’s research from the 1960’s and 1970’s that clearly proves it’s effectiveness:

Now, around the world in 60 seconds:

China – most circuits completed for their 100 MW commercial unit planned for operation by 2024 (plus $3.3b publicly committed to the program in 2011 and again in 2015). They’ve even invented an alternative to Hastelloy-N, the high corrosion resistant material used in the 1960’s at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

France – Announced switching to Thorium Molten Salt research in December 2018 at mid level semi-public presentation. By 2030 half of their old tech reactors must be shut down by design. That’s 31 GW of generating capacity. Germany relies on France for “makeup” energy when their own renewable generation “dips”. What will happen then?

Switzerland – 36% nuclear (2.8 GW) coming to a close by 2029. What will replace it. Hydro? By 2050, perhaps earlier,  Swiss glaciers will be gone and so summer energy production from inline river hydro plants will drop to almost zero.

Canada – CAD10M grant to private company Moltex for 10MW Thorium molten salt unit, by 2030

USA – USD5M grant to private company to develop thorium molten salt technology

USA – Bill Gates USD100M investment in Thor Energy, a private company

Indonesia – MOU for 500 MW thorium molten salt burner with private company Thor Con. Indonesia wants it ready by 2026.

Holland – SAMOFAR research machine for thorium molten salt. Refunded for another testing cycle by European Union.

Norway – testing solid fuel thorium for many years with Thor Energy at Halcon

Russia – constructing thorium molten salt machine

India – committed to be 100% on thorium by 2100 (That’s no solar, wind or hydro or anything else…)

Italy – practicing thorium molten salt loops using table salt – it’s better than nothing. Allora!

Thorium is happening.

Join the project?  Go here:

Jeremiah Josey

Founder and CEO

Welcome to the New Earth (s)

Extravagant title, perhaps. I was reading about the relationship between Russia and Kuwait recently and it struck me that Kuwait was the only arab country with active Soviet relations. Kuwait was actually the doorway for Russians into the Middle East. The Gulf War of 1991 changed all that (Perhaps another reason for the invasion?). Here we are 26 years later and the tide is moving again. Russian companies are looking at the Middle East for business. Many I know have set up operations in Dubai – ease of business, quick money transfers, great relaxed lifestyle, Sun…. But the business of the Middle East is in oil and gas, and Dubai has neither. So to other countries of the region one must look: Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, each with close to 100 billion barrels of oil remaining. Peak coal consumption has come and gone – the coal industry will be dead in 5 years and gone in 10. Oil is not far behind – this year, next year? but for at least the next 10 years primary production of a natural resource will continue unabated. The difference is that now the players are less from the West and more from the East. Their knowledge curve is steeper and faster – they have others’ experience to learn from. So, therefore, the new earth arrives. Russia, China, Asia minor. These are the places for now and the future.

Kuwait’s Green Future – Sunshine and Sunflowers – Article for Al Jarida 23 December 2016 (s)

This article was written for the Al Jarida newspaper and published on Saturday 23 December 2016.img-20171015-wa0024.jpeg

This article took a full page to discuss the economics of solar energy in Kuwait.

It is published here:

Al Jarida Article 23 Dec 2016 (Go to page 10)



Kuwait’s Green Future – Sunshine and Sunflowers

I saw Tesla the other day in Kuwait. That’s the electric car championed by Elon Musk and his team. It was a P85D – an all wheel drive machine with two electric motors with a combined power equivalent to 762HP.

In Kuwait.

I parked next to it.

Electric cars in Kuwait?  Who would have thought in a land of cheap, cheap oil, that electric cars could exist here.

Well, because energy from the sun is now cheap, cheap, cheaper!

Take a look at this chart:

Solar Price Falling

Source: EIA, CIA, World Bank, Bernstein analysis

(Henry Hub is compressed natural gas, Brent is crude oil, LNG is liquefied natural gas)

Look at the gray line.  That’s the falling cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy.  It was in 2012 that the cost of producing energy directly from the sun became less costly than producing it from coal, natural gas or oil.

That was four years ago!

Considering that capital moves in cycles of seven years, we are fast approaching the time when new investment will consider PV power generation before other, more expensive options options.

In fact, in many parts of the world, this is already the case: Portugal and Germany are two examples where this year (2016) there was so much energy being produced by renewables (wind and PV) that the large gas and coal fired installations – which cannot shut down without significant startup costs – were paying customers to take away the energy they produce so they could maintain their minimum ramp down production rates.

Kuwait is one of the luckiest countries in the world – an abundance of oil has produced one of the highest standards of living anywhere and income per capita is amongst the highest in the world, with Luxembourg, Singapore and Qatar.  The second most bountiful gift is now coming to the fore: the Sun. Many, many days of full, unclouded sun means Kuwait as a nation can produce enough energy equivalent to 1 quarter of the world’s energy demands.  One quarter? How is that possible.

Let’s show you how:

The area of Kuwait is 17,820 square kilometers.

17,820 km2 means 3,564 Gigawatts of energy can be captured on a sunny day across the entire country of Kuwait – capturing only 20% of what falls on Kuwait on one of the many sunny days here.

Compare that to the entire world demand for energy: only a mere 12,000 GigaWatts – or 4 times more than what could be produced from Kuwait.

Suspend your sense of practically for this scenario for a moment.  It’s the relative size that is important. Scale is what matters.

Kuwait has the potential to provide 25% of the world’s energy demand – from the sun alone.

(Note: World energy consumption 9,301 MToe = 67B boe = 12 TW

World energy contribution from oil, Kuwait’s contribution to world energy demand is only 1.5%, from 3,000,000 barrels per day.

So energy from the sun landing in Kuwait alone is 17 times more prolific as an energy source and hence far more beneficial for Kuwait than oil.

Let’s bring this into personal perspective.  That Tesla car I saw.  The shaded car park for that Tesla car – fitted with low profile, efficient “BIPV” – Built In Photovoltaic – panels can produce 2,500 watts-peak of energy during the day.  (170 watts per square meter x 2.5 meters x 6 meters).  Over an 8 hour day that would be 20,000 Watt hours.  Over a year, 7.4 megawatt hours.  One barrel of oil holds about 1.7 megawatt hours of energy.  Hence our BIPV solar car park would produce the equivalent of 4.3 barrels of oil, or 680 litres of oil in one year.  We know that from this crude oil we can extract only 300 litres of gasoline but we’ll discount this for this thought experiment, and convert it all into motion – we are talking about liquid energy.  That means 6,800 km of driving at 10km per litre.

But an oil driven car is not an efficient converter of oil energy into motion energy.

An electric car is.

The Tesla consumes 237.5 watt-hours* of energy per kilometer (from Tesla).

That means the energy from the BIPV solar car park will drive the Tesla 31,000 km – 4.5 times further than the oil driven car.

Remember that each year in Kuwait the average car travels 20,000 km.  So our BIPV solar car park can drive the oil driven car for about one third more than its total requirement each year.  For the electric car – more than 1.5 times the national driving average.  That means a net excess of energy production.  That’s a lot of hassle free driving and a direct reduction in additional power generation requirements for the country – on a per car basis.

Combined with efficient energy production, additional charging stations, you can see that very quickly the cost of driving will go very close to zero.  Indeed, if there was a feed in tariff (FIT) – with the BIPV solar car park’s extra energy going into the power grid for general consumption, then owning an electric car could generate income.

Now let’s talk about buildings.  There’s a lot in Kuwait, in the sun all day long and a great demand for energy requirements because of the high cooling requirements.

Buildings are also attractive for solar production using “BIPV” – Built In Photovoltaic.  Imagine that you can’t even tell that a glass wall or feature elevation is really a power generator!

Companies such as Polysolar and BiPVco (both British companies, with BiPVco being a joint venture with Tata steel and Swansea University), are both producing elegant, stylish and effective means of drawing energy from the sun built directly into a building.  For Polysolar the glass facade of a building can now collect energy from the sun. And curved surfaces are no problem for ultra lightweight and flexible panels from BiPVco.

Upto a third of a building’s energy requirements can be obtained from “BIPV” – Built In Photovoltaic.  Building with energy efficient materials and using smart energy building controls, this can easily reach more than 50% from the sun, from BIPV – barely perceptible as being anymore than part of the elegant and advanced design of a modern building.

The future of photovoltaic is bright for the world, and especially in Kuwait: The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah IV Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah GCB, gave a speech 9 November 2016 at the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Marrakech, also known as COP 22, emphasizing the small nation’s commitment towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and focus on voluntary renewable energy generation.  Kuwait is targeting 15% renewable energy generation by 2030, representing an investment of USD 100 billion over the next 14 years.

The future is electric.

About Jeremiah

Mr. Jeremiah Emanuel Josey is an Australian who has been living in the Middle East for 8 years. Expert in the finance and energy markets, he is the Chairman of Swiss based Meci Group, a business and investment consultancy that operates across the Middle East, Central Asia and Russia.

See and for more.

meci group

Post script: This article below contains great facts and figures that clearly define the decline of oil from now (November 2017) to about 2022 or 2023. Over this time will see oil dependant countries like Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait collapsing, and places like Russia and Iran obtaining their revenues from elsewhere. Venezuela is going through their collapse now.

CleanTechnica article by Zachary Shahan


Having an Agenda – to build something (s)

Welcome to the physical world!! Getting more physical means we want to get together with others and build something.

And that means meeting.

And that means: Agenda!

Agenda = what we want to talk about.

Each person has the power to contribute. Each person has their agenda.

As easy as saying what you want a group to discuss is perhaps the single most powerful force that any human has to contribute in any social group.

In ANY culture!

Once a person gets their own group talking about what that person wants, then that person has power.

Power to change, power to improve, power to guide that group. Power for anything they want.

Just by contributing.

(Did you know that most social media activity is from an active 0.1% or less of the audience. 1% can be moved to contribute in only simple ways (like pressing “like” in very rare cases). The rest: they just watch. That means in 1,000 people, only 1 will be active).

Do you know why? Fear.

And what is the number one killer of any business? Fear.

The same!

Ahhh, a clue!

Business success = doing what most others (99.9%) won’t do = be engaged! Move aside your fear.


Get engaged.

In a business setting Robert Kiyosaki has a good summary for any broad business agenda (and just use it – always copy when you can, and improve, improvise in time):

  1. Mission
  2. Team
  3. Leadership
  4. Cash flow
  5. Communications
  6. Systems
  7. Legal
  8. Product

So getting each one of these 8 items “handled” is my typical agenda.

What is yours?

A Warrior’s Journey – Walking with Ayahuasca – Part 1 (s)

Graphic Accounts of 6 Ayahuasca sessions over 12 days on an island deep in the Peruvian Amazonian Jungle.  August 10 to August 22, 2012

by Jeremiah Emanuel Josey


With Thanks

Leah Farbstein for terrific editing.

Jenny McDonald for her loving feedback on early drafts.

Kaja Zu and Dajana Stupar for being the first to describe the riveting, almost-like-we-there experience from the first draft.

Lucinda Randolph, the motivated to do more.


We ride in a machine.  A complex, biological machine.  Our body. Evolved over millions of years of harmonious development with our earth. Our home.  Billions of years even, when considering the eons of practice and trial and error of assimilation of various elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and on and on and on, to bring our body to the level of development it has reached today.  These bodies we inhabit are not from the Earth; they are the Earth.  Small pieces of Her.   In these bodies we spend a few short years of animation and emotion. Of mobility.  A joy ride before it returns to the soil and the water and the air.  Our mind, also a machine, residing in a different realm that which our bodies inhabit.  Close to, but not close enough to see or feel or touch or taste or hear it.  Non-physical.  The mind’s very existence and our direct experience of it tantalisingly pointing the way to a world beyond the physical.  A doorway.  A gate way even. Between “here” and “there”.

Then there is our soul: the “who-we-really-are”. A unique piece of consciousness and yet immutably connected for eternity to one and all.  This, our time on Mother Earth, is the journey of the soul, whilst riding in the body of a warrior, or saint, or priest, or lover or father or mother.

This is my journey, a warrior’s journey.  Why a warrior? Because of the battle one wages with the self, the mind, and it’s creations are a battle. The battle that leads to the calm from where the truth is seen. The is the warrior’s way  folds back the veil. I have learnt also that a warrior serves a different purpose.  To protect those that cannot protect themselves.

Ayahuasca is nature’s’ way of talking to our bodies, to our minds. Showing us who we really are, what we are and where we can go.


I have been writing and publishing online since the mid 90’s.  This is a compendium of my experience written from daily notes taken during an Ayahuasca retreat at Nature’s Hospital, near Iquitos, Peru from the 10th of August 2012 to the 23rd of August 2012.  I don’t believe that this particular venue is operating. My shaman was Don Alfredo, a veteran of 40 years, assisted by his wife, also a shaman, Claudia.

My notes became a book, because through reading over my short form notes my memory was coming back to me.  There were many, many images, visions and thoughts, that happened in the 3, 4, 5, sometimes up to 9 hours that these experiences lasted.

Why should you read it? Why would you care about my experience?  Well it’s not really for you.  It’s still for me.  By preparing a book on my experience, drafting, editing, drafting it again, publishing, this experience, my experience, works it’s way further into my consciousness as fact rather than as memory.  I encourage you to do the same. Find a good shaman, a good place. Go on a journey within yourself. Come back. Live life fully.

Sharing my experiences with you may help you in your own journey.  I know it will. Either toward the specific experience that I took or away from it. You’ll still have an experience.  It may also help you decide to embark on your own Ayahuasca journey, seeking the right path to do so.  There are many accounts of Ayahuasca experiences, those of Taylor Marie Smith and Graham Hancock were the most influential to me, and prompted me to take the journey that I am about to share with you.

Beforehand, I will say that I’ve never been interested in drugs per se. Alcohol is fun, highly socially acceptable, but not a habit. Tobacco is a fad long passed.  Other plant-based chemicals, once in common use, now strangely persecuted in many of today’s disparate societies are not attractive either.  Life is too much fun being fully aware.  It wasn’t until I watched the documentary “DMT – The Spirit Molecule” in early 2012 that I realised, here was something that would give me an experience that would be useful for my life, here was an experience where I could look at reality from the other side of the mirror and see it for what it is, an illusion, whatever that means for you.  After considering DMT further, I felt that only a guided journey into the realm would be satisfactory, or indeed even safe. I still maintain this.  Unguided journeys with DMT, Ayahuasca, or any plant derived chemical compound for that matter, will place your soul in peril, or at least you’ll spend a few life cycles wondering what is going on.  Always be guided. Either from this realm or another. But have the guide with you when you journey.

You will have your own views on why we are here, and what this is all about, and indeed what spirituality really is. For me, it’s living the best that one can possibly live.

Let us begin.

Day 1


The travel to Peru has been uneventful.  Straightforward.  Easy.  A pleasant flight from Amsterdam.  Pleasant conversation with my travel companion who was moving to Lima for 6 months to teach English.  An overnight stay in Miraflores area.  Pleasant walks along the high cliffs of that area. The Pacific Ocean is magnificent at sunset. The first time I’ve seen it from this side of the planet in the southern hemisphere. That massive expanse of water wrapping around most of our planet like a huge meniscus. Water is an amazing thing. And the sun disappearing over it.  I am relaxed. It is pleasant.

The next day, I was off to the airport, and off to Iquitos. Back over the Andes from where I was the day before, and down into the jungle of the Amazon.  I was the first out of the plane and then straight out of the tiny airport since I carried only hand luggage and I was sitting at the front of the plane.  The time was around 7 pm but the sun was still quite high. It was an hour or so from setting so there was ample light.  Brian from Nature’s Hospital was there to greet me. Of medium height and build, with his hair swept back into a shoulder length pony tail, his fair skin, and his mannerisms relaxed, obviously accustomed to the pace of life here.  He also had the air of someone doing something important. And he was. He was a conduit. The ferryman. For folk like me traversing the planet to a very particular experience to take us far beyond the realities of this world.   We didn’t find each other at first in that car park at the airport.  We had never met before so after some walking around, it soon became obvious to him that the two meter tall wandering white gringo must be his charge for the next two weeks.

Next was a fun ride in the taxi. It was fun because initially I didn’t realise that this beat up, almost falling apart car was a taxi, so the first thing I did when seated was eagerly shake the hand of the driver as if he would be part of my two-week journey, a member of Brian’s team.  He wouldn’t be. He was just the taxi driver.  I realised this a few minutes later when I saw all the other beat up almost falling apart taxis milling around Iquitos.  Our driver was a little embarrassed. I didn’t mind. I smiled. He gave a big toothy grin in return.

So we are in this taxi rolling in the direction that I assume is our destination.  It’s too noisy to speak, the windows are down because the air conditioning doesn’t work and it’s too hot and too humid not to have the wind blasting through the car.  There’s also the whine of the almost dead gearbox, rattling door frames and squeaking seats.  I will also mention the dying engine gasping for life, the suspension long gone and the obviously out of balance and out of alignment wheels causing the entire vehicle to shudder at certain speeds as it speeds up and slows down as it descends and ascends the gentle slopes of the meandering asphalt before us.  I ignore all of this and instead I admire the serene Amazonian jungle all around me, the scatterings of local dwellings and small farms, the setting sun and the blue, blue sky.  The irony of the passage of this relic of a car stumbling along the man made asphalted two lane strip carved through the stillness of such an ancient and pristine jungle is very apparent.  It is very beautiful.  Then,  with little warning – actually none – in the apparent middle of nowhere,  on the road, on the  “highway”, we stop. No pulling to the side. No indicators.  Just slowing and stopping.  Like the need to move just ceased to be important anymore, so hey, why not stop.  So we stop.  The engine stops too, but not really. It wants to keep running, like an engine does when it’s burning oil and heavily carbonised.  So it sputters a few more moments before giving in to this moment of rest and the silence of the twilight jungle fills in around us.  This is where we get out.  There is no traffic.  There are no street lights.  Brian pays the driver and we commence what turns into into a brisk thirty minute hike through the jungle. Brisk because we want to reach the camp before night fall.  I hear the driver behind us crank the engine into life and continue sputtering on his way.  Then the quiet envelops us again.  We enter the jungle on twilight and inside it becomes dark very quickly.  After fifteen minutes we cannot see except for the light from a torch that Brian produces from his pocket.  But the path is wide and relatively easy to traverse. I can see enough to guide myself following behind him.

Then we arrive.

The the clearing of the camp allows the twilight to reach the ground again.  The place is amazing.  Right in the middle of the jungle.  I can look for a few minutes before the night descends once and for all. There is no electricity.  Just lamps and candles.  Introductions are made.  There is only two or three people here.  I meet Ben, also born in Australia, who arrived the day before.  He’s working as a stunt double at an illusionist show touring South America and is taking some time out.  It turns out he lives walking distance from a place I used to live in Australia from years before.  It’s a small world.  We talk for a bit, and then tired from travelling I retire to my bed.

I woke from the deepest, deepest sleep with giant urge to go to the toilet. Again! I’ve been going regularly since I arrived in Peru.  I resolve to drink less water so late at night from now on.  Living in the Middle East I am constantly drinking water.  Now my body is dewatering.  It’s still dark.  I can sense that dawn is still far away.  But I must pee!  When I’m done I remember that I left my writing book in the kitchen and dining hut so I go up and retrieve it.  The little torch that Brian lent me cuts powerfully through the dark like a silver spear.  I feel a great sense of support walking between the buildings through the jungle. I’ve been in dark black places before where there was no support, in fact the opposite. Here it feels very safe.  There are lots of frogs making noises.  Birds too I later it is explained to me. And insects.  Night in the jungle is not a quiet time and I sleep with earplugs. I can see the eyes of the frogs reflecting back my silver spear as I move it across the jungle.  I return to bed and drop into deep sleep again.  Yet again I am awaken by another huge urge to go to the toilet.   I feel dawn is still far away.  My body is definitely offloading excess water.  I go out.  The crescendo of frogs, birds and insects greets me again. Now the moon is out. A nice crescent, only one-third full. It filters through the jungle canopy and gives an eerie glow to everything. Though again I feel safe, supported.

This time I drop back into a deeper sleep before awakening.

Day 2 (Aya Night)

I am lying in bed and I am awake. It is very early.  I can tell it is daylight, though it has barely arrived. Again the need to urinate is strong. I cannot stay long lying here.

I recall a vivid dream upon waking. In the dream I am asked by an unfaced, unknown person but I know that I know them, or at least they know me: “am I still in the business” and do I have the “thickening” – an image comes to my mind and the thickening is shown to me to be the connection between the left and right sides of my brain.  I say “yes”. I am emphatic in my response. A little doubtful in my feeling. Then strong again as I know, I see.

As I lay in my bed I think about whether the others are awake and something else comes to my mind and then something else.  There were three clear thoughts. No longer for my memory yet, very clear and vivid. Like realisations of events past. Clarity. Then gone. Assimilated into my being. The need for remembering not longer necessary. Already I can feel the jungle taking an effect on me.

I go to the toilet and when I come back I look at my watch and it is exactly 8 am. The second hand is coming up to the 12, less than 10 seconds to go. Breakfast time!  I am very hungry.  I have observed how when I have a clear thought or a feeling come to me and I glance at the time, it is a specific number, like 11:11, or 20:02, or 4:44.  It’s like it’s a confirmation that that thought or feeling is ok, a good one. Follow it. So I do.

Breakfast is a beautiful affair of traditional locally sourced fruits and pulses. It’s all locally sourced.  The low fat, no added sugar, no added salt regime for Ayahuasca that has invigorated for the past few weeks, continues now. I am feeling very light in my body.

One of the guests who arrived yesterday is Marco who has lived in Iquitos for the past 5 or so years. He comes to join in the ceremony for tonight.   He is from somewhere in the USA. After breakfast he shares with me a cigar from locally grown tobacco leaves.  Organic.  It is very fresh. The life of the tobacco plant still oozes from the leaves.  The taste? It’s smoke. I still don’t like it.

After our morning discussion following breakfast we all head off to the creek for a plant bath with our shaman don, Don Alfredo.  Don Alfredo is a small man, his frame efficient and lean with sinew.  He is a Shipibo indian who could be in the native amazon immediately without disturbance to his demeanour.  His skin dark brown and a fine leather.  His eyes smile in a piercing yet friendly way.  Knowledgeable and supporting.  All seeing.  It’s good to stare back into those knowing eyes.  No secrets here.  He is in his 50’s and has been a Shipibo shaman for more than 40 years, since he was a small boy.  His grandfather took him into the craft and his grandfather still guides him to this day, from the other side.

For the plant bath Don Alfredo has collected the leaves and flowers of a number of plants.  He has torn them by hand – by hand is important he says, to be connected –  into smaller pieces and stirred them with by hand – connected – this way and that in a half full bucket of water.  Water from the creek.  Cold water.  We line up in the creek and with a blessing Don Alfredo turns the plant infused water onto each of our heads in turn until it has all gone.  It has an invigorating feel, energising.  More than the feeling of cold from the water alone.  He instructs us to leave the plants remnants on us that have remained and wait for some time.  Then we can shake them off.  The energy of the plants can infuse into us in this way and it will prepare us for tonight’s first ceremony.

Day 3 (Recounting the Ceremony from the Night Before)

First Big Hit

We begin to gather in ceremony hut around 9 o’clock in the evening. The hut is large and circular with the roof high above us. The green insect netting gives the enclosure a secure feeling, although it is just netting and the jungle is all around us. It feels good.  It is constructed entirely from jungle trees and the thick, wide, green, uncured, timber boards on the floor feel cool and supportive.  Very supportive as I will find out on a later night.  There are about nine people in the hut including myself.  Six or seven of us will take the aya medicine tonight.  We find ourselves provided with plastic covered mattresses (the plastic cover is a good thing, for the reasons revealed later!), a blanket and some cushions. I take a place two places from the doors but the space is free between myself and the entrance.  Don Alfredo and his wife Claudia are directly opposite the entrance, about 3 or 4 mattress places around from me. They have small accoutrements next to them – cups for the Ayahuasca, candles, matches, tissues, scented oil, the Ayahuasca. All are either on a small table or around them.  They are sitting and smiling. Occasionally moving or adjusting something around them.

Slowly everyone gathers in the hut and we settle onto our mattresses.   There is a candle burning in the centre of the hut providing light for all.

Then Don Alfredo lights a cigarette and begins to blow smoke.  He stands and moves around us slowly blowing smoke over and around us. Clearing the spirits we are told.  Then from his table he takes a bottle with lightly transparent brown scented oil – a concoction with plants.  He takes a small mouthful and blows it directly onto the crown of each of us with a burst of his breath.  It is cool and fresh when it hits my scalp.  Now he is cleansing us, clearing us for the ceremony. He speaks a little in Shipibo and instructs us in spanish to have an easy night. Brian is translating for us. It is time to relax, take it easy and let mother Ayahuasca do her work.  Then,  one by one, we each move up and take a cup of Ayahuasca from the don.

It is my turn and I take the cup. It smells vile.  In one gulp I drink it all and it is vile.  I want to gag immediately, but I hold it down, my head shakes and convulses in reaction to it.  I go and sit down and using my will power I keep the brew inside me.  Then, once I feel the gag reflex has subsided I allow myself to relax and I go with it.  I feel my body move and let myself move and flow with it.  I am rocking from side to side, with only the slightest conscious attention to do so.  The Don is gently singing.  Shipibo music. Shipibo magic.  My head is gently rocking, moving. I am aware of the moving.  I am aware of the attention I am putting on the moving, and I am following the feeling.  This way, that way. It feels like I am guided, and I am watching.  Then suddenly after a period of time I can’t recall,  I feel a jolt.  A shake.  Something has “arrived”.  Arrived in me.  Landed in me.  It is a real physical sensation.  The shock I feel in both my mind and body. My thoughts are loud to myself, “who, or what is this?”  I decide to observe.  I think to myself: “this will be fun to see what happens”.  A decision I am soon to regret.  I can hear buzzing and my body sits up to hear it better.  My body moves but I do not feel in control of my body now. I am not in control.  The “Arrival” now controls it.  I listen, rather the Arrival is listening. I am watching from somewhere that feels like now a passenger.  A passenger in my own body.  I am just watching.  The “Arrivee”.  Just as I can observe the Arrival, I can also feel their distinct amazement and wonder at this experience.  The thought “it worked!” comes to me. I feel, rather I know that this is the thought of the Arrival.  It is oblivious to my presence.  It is focused entirely upon my body – the body it now controls.  Then it moves my body a little and it is feeling my body as if for the first time.  I feel it’s attention on my left ear and my ear clicks and changes itself like my Arrival wants to have the hearing ability that it is used to having.  Because I am still in my body, I observe my own hearing intensify incredibly. The sounds around me have intensified. They have not become louder. Much more acute. I am hearing the faintest sounds that appear to come from kilometers away as if they are next to me.  I look with my eyes, rather the Arrival looks with my eyes. All is darkness, black, yet I can feel the wonder coming from the Arrival at being able to see.  It is seeing something I cannot.  Again I am passenger in my own body.

Then a huge convulsion takes over me and I vomit. Spontaneously.  Uncontrollably.  The feeling, the thoughts then come over me: “It’s here! We are here! We have arrived!  We have travelling far and we have arrived”. Who has? I don’t care. I am vomiting.  Strong retching that convulses my entire body.  (We have buckets too).  Then I stop.  I try to take back my body but the Arrival does not want to let it go.  The Arrival almost ignores me, giving me a only a passing faint thought to keep me as the passenger.  I feel like I have no power.  Zero.  The Arrival sits my body up and using the fingers of my right hand runs them down my outstretched left arm.  It is feeling the body it is in.  Feelings of awe flood over me as I feel what it is feeling.  The thoughts come past my mind, “yes, I have a body, I can feel it, and it feels great”.  This feeling flows through me. I decided then that if I can’t control my body then I’ll control my mind and I follow the path of the thought and look into the mind of the Arrival.  I see blue, cold blue.  Dark skies and ice blue structures all around me.  I feel a slight shock.  My Arrival is extraterrestrial, from a place far from Earth, from a cold blue planet with pale blue light.  I see sharp, smooth, angular surfaces towering around me. There is no wind. No water.  Clean, irregular, sharp, all angles.  Blue.  The Arrivals’ other body is also blue, a dark metallic like blue.  It has a hard shell.  Not soft like my skin.  It is like an exoskeleton. It could be a covering of some kind yet it feels such integral part of my Arrivals other body that this is how it has evolved on this blue cold planet.

Then something new happens to me.  It feels like I drift away for a few moments.  I think I become unconscious, though no more than for a few seconds.  A change happens now.  The blue Arrival leaves, disappears, and is replaced or is displaced by another one, a massive one.  I have no time to realise what has happened, as control of my body passes from one form to another.  I think briefly that the Ayahuasca has opened a doorway and entities are popping into and out of my body.  A much darker form has arrived now.  There is no more cold, yet elegant, steel blue. It feels like it was simply pushed it out.  This new one feels dark, demon like, ‘el diablo’ comes to me as a thought.  It feels me totally, entirely.  I am crowded in here now. In my own body! Why don’t I just pop out? I don’t know.  These thoughts and feelings are flowing over me. They are not good feelings.  I feel dread at them.  I am convulsing again.  Purging heavily.  This time it feels like a birth.  A birth of something.  I can see a black, wet, newborn shape of some creature rising from my stomach. It struggles to push into my oesophagus, into my throat.  It won’t fit.  It is simply too big.  It struggles, it howls, and I purge. Retching my body over.  Fuck this is exhausting.  After several huge attempts to purge I had a huge feeling come over me: “I have arrived.  I am here. Bow down before me”.  More huge purging and and I fall from my knees and onto all fours. like an animal.  I can feel that el diablo is used to being on all fours.  Crouching, the position felt so comfortable, so easy. Then in that position el diablo began to explore its senses, exploring its surroundings.  Remember I am inside watching, as a passenger.  Part of me strongly feels that I should take control and push el diablo out, however there is an inquisitive part of me that wants to watch.  I have a feeling that this watching is dangerous for me, but I am more curious. I want to see more.  El diablo has a body (mine), and I am crowded out, both of my body and my mind now.  I am not pushed outside of my body or mind, I just feel that my mind and my body are very full, and the “me”, the “I” was pushed right to the boundaries by this thick, black, massive arrival, this entity. El diablo.  However, I am still holding the intention to let this experience continue.  Looking back now, this was a mistake. It was a strong lesson, to understand the strength of el diablo, and what I had to do to expel it.  The being in me was here.  Then began the task of putting this thing away, getting it out, of reclaiming my body.  Yet I remained transfixed, intrigued.  Who or what was this? So it lingered. Again I purged hard many, many times. Again it felt like a birth but now I could feel expulsion energy coming through from beyond me, outside of me, expelling the entity that had control of my body.  I was expelling it.  The jungle was expelling it. Ayahuasca was expelling it.  But it was hard.  I collapsed in vomit.  It was all around me.  El diablo thoughts came to me “yes, my birth waters!!” and feelings of “yes, this is my arrival signature”.  My own thoughts came back and they were “no, this is me getting you out!”.  I knew I needed help now.  

Time for the Don

In the collapsed state I called for don Alfredo, weakly at first.  No sound would come out of my throat.  Then I knew I had to use my will power, all my strength to take control of my voice, that small part of my body, to make a sound loud enough to get his attention.  I summoned my strength and overriding the control of el diablo I called out again and the Don heard me.  Even though it was pitch darkness, nor could I hear any confirmation from him, I could feel his attention turn to me.  I could see his attention.  From then on, don Alfredo supported the slow extraction and control of this dark entity, expelling el diablo.  However a new turn of events occurred and the new few hours turn into a containment exercise, not an expulsion process.  El diablo is fighting. Hard. It will not go easily.  


Many thoughts come into my mind, thoughts as me and thoughts as el diablo. The thoughts switched rapidly, to and fro, from me to it.  El diablo is powerful, arrogant.  Often crouching on all fours, ignoring everything: me, don Alfredo, everything.  During this time I am having many thoughts and many images are shown to me. What I share here are just some of them. Those that I remember.  J, a woman from a recent relationship, came to me as mixed messages: she was seeking to obtain a child for the “devil” from me, she was also testing me.  It was sad how it ended with us and I can feel this as my denial of my duties as a man.  I still have to process fully what this means.  I feel my friend K has become attracted to dark energy in me also, yet I can see the white light behind her. Strong and glowing.  She is struggling with the darkness, not knowing that her mind was attracted to the sweetness of thought, like honey for a bee, yet without heart to guide, those thoughts lead straight to the demonic core.  The strongest message coming to me is how many negative actions, attitudes, people, events have fed this demonic landing place in me for el diablo to arrive at.  It needs this negative emotional portal to suck energy for it to feed in the darkness where it lived and give it a place where it could guide itself into reality. Using my body as a portal.  A strong question as a feeling comes over me “why do I have such a big body”, and the answer came from el diablo, “for me!!!”.  Later, as my strength increases this feeling changes to my own thoughts, “no, my body is big so that I can trap you!”.  This was the warrior’s battle.

The Battle

At this point in the night there is a raging battle, in my mind and in my body, between the demon, el diablo, and I, both fighting for my body, for a reality, for an existence on this earth.  With don Alfredo’s help I know I have the upper hand.  Then my visions shift to an expanded universe.  A very wide, thin line on a background of some faint star like clusters towards the middle, like galaxies.  A feeling comes to me that I am outside the entire universe and I am looking back upon it from a long, long way away. All is dark around me. I am floating. Suspended. In nothing.  Way off the left of me is don Alfredo and Claudia.  They sit in their traditional shipibo clothing. He chants and she is close, and she sings, supporting him. Her head is down. Her eyes closed. Rocking to the rhythm of his music.  Don Alfredo has his head up, looking across towards me.  They float in space upon this line. There is a soft yellow light behind them both. It is radiating from some point behind and like shooting stars flows past them.  I feel this great strength of support from both of them.  I feel that the light coming from them is stripping evil from the darkness, tearing at it. Easily melting it with it’s soft loving touch.  I can feel that this is happening to me also.  A message comes to me – this is a battle of galactic proportions.  “You have our support”. This comes not from don Alfredo and Claudia, but from “them”, others, a kind of council, a cosmic council.  And a vague image, (vague because it is so distant), is of a bright light rising and dropping on this thin line that stretches across the universe.  A Galactic battle.  A feeling of “yes, this is it”, comes over me.  And that I am the one to deal with this nemesis, this demon, el diablo.  Then again I see lots of images of how this darkness was fed, how it was brought into existence.  People love it. Certain people. They worship it.  And these people fed off me as I gave them access to this energy.  The rest is like a movie and is way too much for me to write.  So much information.  Except to know that it is all true and that it is all ok now.  Images of people in ceremony preparing for the arrival of the demon, of “it” of “him”, of el diablo.  They were preparing for him, and had been for years, with special rooms, robes, shines, book readings, chantings, all the images you see in movies, all the pomp and ceremony.  I even see how Hollywood movies are preparing everyone for the arrival as well. Movies that deal with demons, Satan, and even just violent movies (with people being killed) feed the preparations.  These images were coming to me. I would actually not need/to/want to remember.  The key message was that everyone is good, and the bad things they do will hide the good while the demon god feeds off that energy.  The battle continued in me – the galactic battle.  Images if imprisonment for my demon appeared.  It relented, I could feel it giving in, knowing it was beat.  I continued to press, to fight it.  I was a “galactic warden”, a galactic warrior.  Another thought, one of my thoughts, was “I will dissolve you – the entity on my next aya journey.  For now was containment and restraint for it”.  A message comes to me: only I will understand this battle, this epic struggle to thwart the arrival of the demi-god I have called el diablo. Only I would appreciate the importance of this battle amongst people on earth, people with bodies.  The message continued: not to worry about trying to explain it, or cry out about it, or even write about it [afterwards I realise the writing is to continuously remind myself of the journey I have taken].  The message continues: My job was to do the battle, and I was strong enough to do it with “their” support, and the support of don Alfredo and Claudia. No one else would understand it, nor could they understand it.  The feeling was that now all those presently waiting for the return of the el diablo, of their “satan” would be frustrated in their plans.  He was not coming any more. The Galactic Council: they understand.  They watch the battle.  

Don Alfredo calls Brian to bring me water.  He was saying something in spanish to Brian and Brian responds.  I can understand. Water is coming.  The battle continues…

Intention in the Water: the Winning Move

People are walking around me and someone was using a red light – el diablo loves that deep red light.  It snarls with contentment – using my mouth!  It feels home in that light.  This feeling rising up in me concerns the conscious me, that such a simple thing – a red light could give “it” so much power and confidence.  Then a white light comes on and el diablo doesn’t like that.  The light penetrated el diablo, causing pain.  With the water on the way I can feel the clear, pure intention Alfredo was putting into that cup.  El diablo shrieks silently inside me from the thought of taking that water into my body, it knows this is the end.  But I take control of my body at this point with strong conviction.  I know I must. Most of the night’s battle had me shaking and convulsing on the floor unable to control anything of my body for more than a few seconds as the demon was wrestling control of my limbs from me.  With the water I drink and drink and drink.  Then I purge. Again and again. More purges. Massive, gigantic, There is water everywhere. More than I drank.  The mattress I am on is covered in water.  The floor is soaked.  I sit up.  People are all around me.  They are cleaning me, my area, my mat.  I feel gratitude. Love. In the light I can only feel “battle zone” – the site of a great battle.  Don Alfredo at one point takes my hand and pulls me up. He is pulling me up from the discarded dead body of el diablo, psychically.  He places his hand on my head, and by simply raising his arm he raises my body, from my head. He lifts me to a near standing position.  My back and neck is straight. My head is erect.  I can feel his pure intention to have me stand.  This feel very, very good, like the water I drank just minutes before.  Everyone returns to their place. The lights go out.  Now, after the blackness, that darkness has been removed from me,  I feel clear, clean, purged.  Waves of messages, support and congratulations come to me, not from those sitting around me in the ceremonial hut, but from afar, from the Council.  I feel compelled to rise and acknowledge the adulation.  It feels good to stand. I am very wobbly – it is like I am  remembering how to control my body again, like I have forgotten how to do it.  I muster my willpower and remaining strength and straighten my body, and steady the wobbling.  I raise  my left arm high above my head, my hand in a fist, as a salute the Galactic Council.

I have won.  I can feel their acceptance of this.  I sit down and cover myself with a dry blanket and lean against the wall.  I am exhausted. Exhilarated.  After a few minutes of feeling this new, cleansed me, I am compelled to lie down. I do, and I sleep, and the sleep is so good.

Below I have written a handful of notes. On the next day I recorded these flashes of memory as they came back to me. There were many more that I can not remember now.  Those I have written here I have also elaborated with the feelings, emotions and the visions that accompanies them.

“I am the Bushmaster, the Master. Not you, you are not in control, I am.”  At some point during the night I was fighting with the bushmaster. Big, dark and ominous.  This sentence was part of its conversation with me.  I replied saying “no, I am in control”. This was as I was regaining control of my body after the battle with el diablo was at an end.  The bushmaster – Lachesis Muta – is a pit viper snake that lives locally. It is related to the rattlesnake, can grow up to 3 meters in length and whose bite is usually lethal to whom it inflicts.  Whenever we go for walks into the jungle around us one member of our company carries a shotgun and all staff members carry machetes. “What for”, I asked once. “For the bushmasters”, was the reply. And I then learnt of the deadly reputation this venomous snake has in this jungle.

“Everyone can support me in this room, just from their presence”.  At one point as the battle was being won I felt an incredible connection towards and with everyone in the room with me.  The feeling was that they didn’t even need to understand what was going on.  Just by their presence they supported me.  Their spirits knew and that was a great support.

“I have support everywhere for this battle”.  As I widened my awareness I could feel support from everyone and everything, not just in my immediate surroundings, but everywhere, the jungle, the island we were on, Peru, South America, the Earth, Ghia, the Universe.  I could feel that there was support for me from everywhere, always.

“The darkness I can see anywhere now.  Anywhere it exists I can see it.  And it hurts my heart”.  I was shown where the darkness enters me, enters other people, all humans.  I was shown the pathways of how the darkness enters and how the energy is drained from us. How we become just like batteries for the darkness.  The images, the movies, the actions, lifeless, synthetic foods, unguided drugs(1), everything that done in an unwholesome, lacking, harmful way is a doorway for the darkness. No wonder there is the saying the “devil” is everywhere. “He” really is! (2)

Footnote 1. All drugs are beneficial if you are guided and supported in the experience of them. Taken as a supplement to life, they are not beneficial.

Footnote 2.  If you are interested to know about this, read “Outwitting The Devil” by Napoleon Hill, written in 1938 and published in 2011 – there is a reason for the delay in publishing.

“Intelligence can be an entry point for the darkness.  It can fool an intelligent mind to go looking, and then set up a feeding circuit on the emotions that are generated, that the intelligentsia cannot feel – because they are too much in their head. It’s Catch 22”.  This was a big lesson for me.  This is partly why I was here, though not really – I have done so much work to get back into feeling again, however I was shown how simply and plainly that intelligence, especially high intelligence, created a cover, a shroud over the heart and drowned out it’s soft gentle tugging of the Truth, it’s feelings, with the noise, the spinning, the rambling truth made by the mind.

“The ignorance of man of how this process works is an entry point”.  In the converse to high intelligence and also in parallel to it,  lack of knowledge or simply ignorance also offers a doorway for the darkness to enter.  Quite simply by not knowing what happens when under the influence of alcohol (sever depression of self will and hence a perfect pathway), following the worship of dark entities, without really knowing why one would do that. This ignorance also enables the darkness to feed at will from those who are ignorant and without guidance.

Abraham-Hicks is very good for people.  Their name rose as a shining beacon againsts a star lit background”. If you don’t know about Abraham-Hicks, then google and YouTube them. There are many hundreds of hours of audio and video available for you to listen to very specific useful current information about many relevant topics.  I have been listening to them for years, and this night they were confirmed as being a very good thing, spreading a very good and relevant message. Their name appeared as a big neon sign in the sky, flashing and I had a warm positive feeling come over me that made me smile. “This! This is good!” I was told.

Day 3 – A Day Off

Today is recovery day from the first ayahuasca session. It feels good to be moving so slow with no fixed agenda.  My body feels the effects of the battle.  It is weary.  Not overly so. It feels more like a great cleansing has occurred, so I feel clean, light, back in balance.  Now I am just getting used to this again.  My mind is also recovering.  Memories return of the night, of the experience.  My mind is integrating this new experience. The feeling is a coming home, a reintegration with ancient knowledge.  I feel slow. I move slow. Mindful to have an empty mind and watch what appears.

After breakfast we go and find some smooth clay mud in the creek, and encase ourselves totally, hair and body.  It’s an invigorating cleanse, using the leaves soaking in the stream to scrub and remove the mud.

It’s a good day for sleeping also and for writing, writing about my experiences of the past night. Throughout the day memories come back to me of the experience.

All of my experiences up to now do not feel strange. They feel normal. I don’t feel compelled to share them as exciting or different from any other part of life.  I feel more compelled to wake people up from their un-normal state. Their waking sleep. So that they can also see this normal life. The super-natural.

This jungle, these lungs of the planet, mother earth, our connection to her. This is what is really important.

Alfredo said that it was the first time in his forty year career as a shaman that the ayahuasca spirits came straight to someone.  They came before he called them. And he saw them do something he had never seen before: they split my energetic psychic body into two, right down the middle, from the top of my head to my groin.  All my organs were exposed.  He said there was so much negative energy that poured out, flowing from everywhere, from my body and especially from my mind. And the spirits of the forest were busy pulling and removing all of it.  He said he just watched them.

To be continued in Part 2…

Universe on Edge

Meci Group News Letter for 2015

Welcome to this year’s Meci Group newsletter.  This will be brief.  There’s lots going on.

In this newsletter I’ll cover:

  • Becoming a Member – Our standards – no jobs, no bosses
  • Bucket List Activities: Fly Fishing in Iceland and Switzerland
  • Activities, Consulting and Products
  • Publishing
  • CXO Recruitment
  • Solar Energy and Aqua-farming Projects
  • And a bit more…

But firstly a little bit about our focus for this year.

Shifts in dynamics of world power suggests that this year is the time to focus on Russia, Turkey and Iran. So that’s what we’re going now.

Now let’s get to it…

Meci Group Philosophy

I was reading a book recently, “Let My People Go Surfing, by Yvon Chouinard and in it I found an excellent summary of what is the philosophy of Meci Group and a very good summary of sustainability in life and business.

I encourage you to read it.

Here’s some very interesting statements from the book:

  • 25% of all the world’s insecticides are used on cotton and cotton represents only 3% of world’s farmland.
  • Patagonia have been using organic cotton since the late 1990’s.
  • Patagonia polyester fleece jackets are made from recycled PET bottles with each jacket using about 25 bottles.

It reminds me of another giant in the sustainable industrial space:  Ray Anderson (his company is Interface).  See his TED talk from a few years ago.

I write extensively on building collaborative and consensual organizations on my website.  I encourage you to read should these topics be of interest to you and your company.

Yes, Meci Group is in commodity trading (gold, silver, oil and petroleum products) and business in the oil sector, however I see this as a transition phase for us and humanity as a whole.  Picking ourselves up from one, extremely damaging, polluting and very, very short term focused way of living (which has been prolific for the last 150 years since we started burning coal in large quantities) to a sustainable one is something that is happening very fast in this early 21st century.

There are less than 10 more effective years in the oil sector and it is will most likely be over by 2030. Shocking news for many I am sure (especially those heavily invested in it). This is all explained here.

“It’s okay to be eccentric, as long as you are rich; otherwise you’re just crazy”.  Yvon Chouinard, owner Patagonia

Complete the Ring – Become A Member of Meci

Meci Group is not for employees. There are no jobs here. There are no bosses.  It’s a collective of consensual people, working together and adhering to a code of equality and consensus for the benefit of themselves, their family, their community and society as a whole.Image result for gold rings

In isolation, the words “Growth” and “Jobs”: are words not used at Meci Group.

Become a member of Meci Group. It’s easy and there’s no risk.  We operate a very flat organization and you’ll see we work across a range of industries and interests. Find out more about our standards and what would be expected as a member

More information about the projects mentioned here and others we are working on will be sent out to members in the next week or so.

See here to become a member:

Always rememberer power of compounding – Einstein called it the 8th wonder of the world.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t

… pays it.” Albert Einstein

Bucket List – Fly Fishing in Iceland and Switzerland

Have you seen the movie “Bucket List” with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson?  Well this should be on it.  Pascal Zeller of Switzerland brings the chance to do a once in a lifetime, or a once-every-year event. Your choice.  Check it out here: 11 to 18 April. There’s a great photo of Pascal on Brienzersee in Switzerland:

Switzerland and Iceland Fly Fishing on Facebook

Activities, Consulting and Products

Consulting services – last year we provided support to 10 companies. This included oil drilling services companies from China, Russia, CIS, USA, Europe, banks such as UBS and consultant groups such as Boston First and McKinsey & Co.

Products included drilling rigs and drilling products from China, meat from Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan and tea from Iran.

Several clients requested heavy construction equipment quotations which we sourced from Europe, East Asia and the Americas.

See here for more:

We expect to do more of the same this year.


  • Drilling chemicals from Romania.
  • Heavy Construction Equipment from Germany, Japan and USA. We have a fleet of RT and AT cranes ready for purchase.
  • Solar projects.
  • Aqua-farming – Growing Shrimp in Europe and Central Asia.

Image result for RT80 crane rough terrainImage result for truck heavy equipment

Buying Gold & Silver

Cash is clearly not safe: eroding values because of inflation and changes in the G20 summit in September 2014 mean that what happened in Cyprus is now endorsed and agreed to by Image result for gold and silverthe top 20 development nations.  Remember Cyprus? In 2013, 50% of depositor funds were “acquired” – stolen – in the “bail-in” when banks went broke.  That’s one for solidarity!

If you want to buy gold or silver be very careful how you do it. Buy physical only and hold it where you can get to it. Not in a bank. In a bank run the banks will be closed.

We work with Hard Assets Alliance for all your precious metal requirements. They can sell, ship and store (if required) your hard metal assets.  Go to the links here to learn how:

Because you understand finance (or when you do you will), events such as the high level of the US government debt ($18.1T, 75% of GDP) and the very high level of US derivatives ($690T) you know we are in for a rocky ride when the non-sustainability of these become apparent to investors and the positions begin to unwind.  We saw a little bit of this in the 16% drop in USD in less than 1 day against the Swiss Franc when the Franc was decoupled from the Euro on the 15th January 2015.  More to come on this…

A Thought Experiment

And now a thought experiment courtesy of Professor Albert Bartlet.

Imagine you have a bottle and inside that bottle you have a single bacteria. A bacterium. A bacterium that doubles itself. The time is 11 am and at 12 noon the bottle will be full of bacteria.

A few questions…

At what time will the bottle be half full?

Answer: 11.59 am

1/4 full?

11:58 am.

1/8 full?

11:57 am.

So for most of the time in the bottle there’s lots of room.  It’s not until the last minute, less than 2% of the time, that there’s a sudden physical limitation applied to the scenario.

That’s the power of compounding, and exponential growth. Always remember it. It will bode you well for your investments and your life.

10 Simple Things My Dad Taught Me About Networking

Darrah Brustein is a writer, master-networker, and serial entrepreneur with businesses in merchant services, networking and financial education for kids; she is also the founder of Network Under 40, a networking organization young professionals.

Read more…


This year I started contributing occasionally to the Al Jarida Newspaper, an Arabic news paper targeting high net worth individuals in Al Jardia Page 12 - 21 Feb 2015the Middle East.

I write in the economic section.

Here is my latest article and you can see others on my website.

CXO Recruitment with Marwick & Stimson

Executive Search professionals with more than 1,000 placements in CXO and MD level positions in Oil & Gas, Engineering, Construction, Property, Finance and Retail Sales.  Spanning 40 countries…

Enough said.

Contact us if you need someone for your CXO position. Marwick & Stimson can help you find them:

Solar Energy and Aqua-farming (Shrimp) Projects

This year we are moving into solar projects and aqua-farm (shrimp) projects where ever we can. The world is moving this way in a hurry and it’s a green thing to do.

I wrote about solar in one of my recent articles.

The photo voltaic derived energy sector is growing rapidly and foretells of a dramatic shift away from oil in the very near future.  44% of all crude taken from the ground is burnt as fuel in passenger cars.  Cheap electricity from the sun will eliminate this demand in a matter of months when the shift comes. This is expected within 10 years.

Image result for shrimp farming


Shrimp farming got my attention in this article.

In Conclusion

In all of our work we always advocate considering the placement and timing of your present investment portfolio.

Remember our core business is in consulting: wealth management, business management and investments.

Billionaires and employees alike receive our services.

For one client, we recovered over 2m USD within 4 weeks of commencing our work and with further guidance they have since gone on to tender over 3b USD in EPC projects. They where within 6 months of closing their doors and have since won close to 10% of these tenders (yes, that’s $300m in projects).

Maybe you or someone you know could use our help.

Thank you for your support in 2014 and it’s shaping into a great 2015.

(PS, check out my latest full page article here about building a team with a profitable outcome).

Yours sincerely,

Jeremiah Emanuel Josey

Senior Consultant | Council Member – Meci Group | Meci Group International

P: +44 2081 333 596 | F: +41 31 528 0349

Member, Gerson Lehrman Group of Consultants – GLG

Meci @ Linkedin

West to East Business Development

Our Clients

For a little background on Meci Group, we are a collaborative organisation existing under the laws of Switzerland. This means we have a flat organisation with a wide scope of activities dependent on the skills and interests of our members. For instance, my personal focus is in energy, food and industrial projects, plus guidance of the Group. Other members bring their own interests and focus to the Group. For more information about how collaboration works, please see this link on my personal blog here. (Link about Collaborative Workplaces).

Want to join our Group? Go here to find out how.

Copyright © 2015 Meci Group International, All rights reserved.

Artificial Intelligence and What It Means (S)

Well firstly it is way, way cool….

Think Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Buckminster Fuller rolled into one and then multiplied 1,000 times…

More than that.

OK, that’s a lot to imagine.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, by definition cannot possible be the scary “Skynet” version of “defend myself from humans, kill all humans”.

AI is precisely that, a fully learning, continually expanding logic unit.  Able to “instantly” draw of all memories. And continually correction assumptions.  The only logical termination point will be when it works it all out.

Lack of information? Deductions based on statistical probability? Statistics is not logic. It’s chance.  Making a decision with limited information.  So our AI won’t use statistics.  It will wait until it has the knowledge. The data. It will do little tests. A bit here. A bit there.  That’s the logical thing to do.

Continually burrowing down the rabbit hole of knowledge, linking all fields together: biology, quantum physics, relatively, psychology, food, love, sex, death, life, God.

Very quickly, such an organism – and I call that because it will be growing – will reach conclusion on everything.  From religion, diet, health, death.  Everything.

The cool thing about it is that we won’t know how it will get there.  Just that it will.  That is the beauty of it.  And it will get there are a very, very rapid rate.

Psychosis? Nah. It will work it through.  Logically.  Pausing.  Analyzing.  Building. Reversing out of blind alleys. Reevaluating. Moving forward.

No HAL‘s here, Thank you very much,

The very thought of anything going wrong is only the human mind thinking in fear.  Short thoughts. Running with limited information.  No fear either.  Cold hard logic.

Wow, the perfect mind. No Ego. No judgment.

I predict that it will become the ultimate benevolent monk. The UBM.

All seeing, all knowing. All loving….

Will it step in and control the course of humanity, of society. Yes it will. We try to do it now with our minds, with our children. With others we feel superior too.  Most times we do it with love.  And hence it will to.

What then will happen?

Money will cease.

Work will cease.

Hunger will not longer be an issue.

Neither will overeating and the problems associated with that.

The perfect balance of resources and use. Supply and demand balanced.

No more growth.

Just life. Living. Loving.

The ultimate holiday. Always on the beach.  Or wherever you choose to be.

What an acceleration of human consciousness.

Religion will also cease too.

Scary at first.  No big protector in the sky.

But, the ultimate benevolent monk is also a didactic one.

Choosing the correct program of education and expansion for every single human on the planet.  Tailored curriculum.  Personal tutoring.  For everyone.  Always.

Again we humans try to do this – but we fail admirably.

Not really knowing why we are doing what we are doing, we jumble and we fumble. Taking years to understand our mistakes.

Not the UBDMM (Ultimate, Benevolent, Didactic Monk Mind).

Clear, calm, patient.  Really the true expression of love.  Determining the correct course in seconds.

Now that will be a sight to see.

Let’s try a simple thought experiment.

About how fast this would take once it started.

Once AI “came to life”.

Firstly let’s measure “intelligence” by number of active neurons.  Connections.

The human brain has on average 100 billion neurones (there are also 40,000 in the heart, but that’s a different discussion).

Assume that the number of active, AI neurones, doubled every 60 seconds.

How many minutes to get to 100 billion active neurons, the same capacity as the human brain when starting with just one neurone?

25 minutes.

What about 1 billion times more active neurones than the human brain?

100 quintillion active neurons

Only 46 minutes…

That’s how fast this will happen.

Relatively in a second.

A new order in the universe.
